Friday, October 24, 2014

Podcast Script

 The focus of this podcast will be the discussion of some of my favorite hip-hop subgenres . Subgenres are all the elements of one total genre.  Placing music in subgenres allows us to see the diversity of one type of genre.   Now let’s look at some of my favorite subgenres.

One form of hip-hop that is one of my favorites is called lyrically hip-hop.  Lyrically hip-hop is said to have started in New York. Lyrical hip-hop focuses on witty punch lines and metaphors. This form of hip-hop shows off a rappers skills, creativity, and intelligence   no matter what subject he/she is rapping about. It takes a lot of hard work to be a lyrical rapper on a consistent basis. This is the reason lyrical hip-hop is one of the most respected forms of the genre.  All this information above is probably why growing up this was my favorite form of hip-hop.

Another form of hip-hop I like is called battle rap. This is where two rappers go head to head to see who the better rapper is.  In old school days the battles would be spontaneous but now most popular battlers have planned battles (which make them more entertaining).  I like this type of hip-hop because it allows artist with two different styles to prove which style is better.

The last form of hip-hop I am going to speak about is underground hip-hop.  Mainstream artist are usually forced to make music that the label thinks will sell. This music is not all ways good. Underground music focuses on non-commercial topics such as life struggles and serious causes. Underground hip hop usually allows fans to relate to the artist because the artist opens up bout their life or thoughts.


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